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We have 7 botanical posters created by Kandis Elliot during her tenure as the UW-Senior Botany Artist. The posters offer fascinating images and information on flowers, fruits, colors, plant structures, pollinators, even fungi. Reference photos were taken by Botany Photographer Claudia Lipke; information was provided by Dr. M. M. Fayyaz, Director of the Botany Garden and Greenhouses, as well as by Botany Department professors and staff. These educational outreach materials are excellent sources of basic botanical science intended for students of all ages as well as educators, gardeners, and aficionados of plants and their biology.
Carnivorous Plants

Carnivorous Plants

Snap traps, vacuums, drowning vats, flypaper and pitfalls are some of the designs used by carnivorous plants to trap animal prey. This poster illustrates the many structures, and beauty, of the "meat eaters" of the botanical world.

36 x 24 inches

Classification of Fruits

Classification of Fruits

This poster simplifies the major fruit groups and terminology involved in botanical fruit classification. It provides an overview and beautiful samples of fruit types, and especially clarifies the relationship between simple, aggregate, and multiple fruits.

36 x 24 inches

Specializations in Flowers

Specializations in Flowers

An introduction to flower terminology is necessary to begin identification of plants via their flowers. This poster illustrates basic flower parts and shows how they become specialized within several common plant families. Especially helpful are illustrations of grass, rush and sedge flowers.

36 x 24 inches

Pollination and Pollinators

Pollination and Pollinators

Flowering plants are intimately tied to wind, water, and especially animals to make seeds and complete their life cycles. Showy flowers, big and small, owe their size, shape, perfume and color to the preferences of critters; insects especially may share any number of blooms from different plant species. This poster illustrates the kaleidoscopic diversity of both the flowers and their pollinators (the astute observer will note that bumblebees love blue).

36 x 24 inches

Plant Modifications

Plant Modifications

This poster makes a nice companion to Specializations in Flowers. Here we illustrate both common and unusual structures, formed from leaves, stems and roots, which plants have devised to cope with their environments. Learn the many origins of tendrils, the difference between tubers, corms, bulbs and rhizomes, even find little loaves of "bread" that a tree makes for its guardian ants.

36 x 24 inches

Plant Colors

Plant Colors

And we mean colors! The four main classes of plant pigments are described and illustrated with lovely examples. Short discussions explain how plants can exhibit multiple colors, how leaves turn color in autumn, and why colors are important indicators of nutritional content in fruits and veggies.

36 x 24 inches

Introduction to Fungi

Introduction to Fungi

This splash of fungi illustrates their variety and briefly notes their impact on our lives and our world. Fungi provide our favorite foods and beverages, attack animal and plant species with devastating toxins, and create the soils and nutrients for the film of life on Earth. We provide a basic scheme for classifying the main groups of fungi, and offer information that will intrigue the student and teach the basics of fungology without an overload of terminology.

36 x 24 inches