University of Wisconsin–Madison

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Customer/Billing Information * - Required
If you are using a credit card, the information in this section should match the cardholder's information. You may enter a different shipping address below.

Street address, company name, c/o
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Shipping Information
 Click here if billing/shipping address is the same as the buyer's address.
If you would like items shipped outside the US please contact Scott Woody directly at
Purchase Information
   Item Charge $0
Wisconsin Customers Only
   Shipping FREE!
   Wisconsin Sales Tax $0
Total Charge $0
Please carefully review your order and shipping/billing information before submitting.
Cancellation Policy
If you wish to cancel your order, please contact
Privacy Statement
The University of Wisconsin does not sell, rent, trade or distribute any personally identifiable information obtained from clients to a third party, except in cooperation with government agencies or as required by law. Information collected by UWSA is used for the administrative and operational purposes of our services.
Doing Business As
Your credit card statement will reflect this merchant's "Doing Business As" name as UW MADISON ENGINEERING CONF SRV.
Customer Service
Please contact if you have any questions about your order.