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Dementia Friendly Hospital Toolkit

Dementia Friendly Hospital Toolkit

CARE's Dementia Friendly Hospital Toolkit includes eight role play scenario simulations, five training videos, 11 training handouts, and a planning guide that helps hospitals develop a training plan that meets their needs.

The materials in this toolkit are designed to help hospitals set their own goals for becoming more dementia friendly; develop a training plan; provide education to staff across roles; support ongoing awareness and learning; connect with community groups and resources; and measure progress and share success stories.


Dementia Friendly Toolkit - small organization

Dementia Friendly Toolkit - small organization

Developed with input from family caregivers, dementia friendly community groups, and healthcare experts, this toolkit includes six multi-role simulations. Each reflects common challenges for people living with dementia, involving a bank, clinic, restaurant, grocery store or telephone, to help build communication and advocacy skills to respectfully engage people living with dementia.

This toolkit also includes facilitator and discussion guides, setting and equipment suggestions, additional information about each scenario and links to community resources. Short videos that can be used in conjunction with the toolkit can be found on the website of the Center for Aging Research and Education at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Nursing:

This toolkit was developed for use in classroom and community settings. Pricing varies by organizational size. We define small organizations as including community groups and K-12 schools.


Dementia Friendly Toolkit - large organization

Dementia Friendly Toolkit - large organization

Developed with input from family caregivers, dementia friendly community groups, and healthcare experts, this toolkit includes six multi-role simulations. Each reflects common challenges for people living with dementia, involving a bank, clinic, restaurant, grocery store or telephone, to help build communication and advocacy skills to respectfully engage people living with dementia.

This toolkit also includes facilitator and discussion guides, setting and equipment suggestions, additional information about each scenario and links to community resources. Short videos that can be used in conjunction with the toolkit can be found on the website of the Center for Aging Research and Education at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Nursing:

This toolkit was developed for use in classroom and community settings. Pricing varies by organizational size. We define large organizations as including companies, healthcare organizations, and university departments.
